March Herbal Ally: Schisandra Berry
I could drink you for ever !
So peppery and tart
So full of life, vital, vibrant
So colorful… pinks… reds… magentas…
So wanting to experience, fun, newness, exploration, adventure and play
My heart needs you to break away from anxiety and loneliness
She twirls in nature like Bollywood dancer
She brings out the curiosity in you
When we drink and meditate with our plants, we embody them. We embody the frequencies that the Earth has embodied.
Schisandra berry (Schisandra chinensis),
also known as five-flavor berry or wu wei zi in Chinese, originates from northeastern China. The plant is also native to parts of Russia, Korea, and Japan.
The berry gets its name "five-flavor" because it contains all five basic flavors - sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and pungent (spicy). It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years and is considered an adaptogenic herb that helps the body adapt to various stressors and traumas.
Healing Properties & Benefits
Supportive to the nervous system
Tonify’s the brain, great for ADHD
Tonic for kidney’s liver, and adrenals
Plumps skin and tones mucous membranes
Plumps the yoni, aphrodisiac, supports low libido
Supports Vaginal dryness during hormonal changes like the luteal phase and perimenopause.
Boosts immunity
If you need a coffee break to restore your adrenals, a strong schisandra infusion will support you!
Schisandra speaks to the solar plexus, the energy chakra for self-confidence, ambition, and drive — a real LET’S DO THIS energy. She is also a beautiful elixir of wisdom, longevity, and vitality.
Make an overnight hot infusion. Strain and drink your lovely schisandra tea. Eat a few berry’s to try their natural peppery taste!
Hot Infusion:
Start with 1/4 tsp (3-4 berries) - add to a 32 oz jar. Fill up the
jar with hot water and place a lid over it.
Infuse overnight and strain. Drink!
Everyone has their own dose and can be too stimulant for those with high anxiety. Start low with a few berry’s to know your limitations.
Purchase here.
Schisandra Berry is not recommended for those who are pregnant.